We must all do theatre, to find out who we are, and to discover who we could become.
Augusto Boal
The drama department at Knoxville Christian School is devoted to bringing excellence to the stage while representing all of our school values to the stage. As theatre is perhaps the pinnacle of the humanities, bringing all great humanistic traditions together in one work, our drama department seeks to explore what it means to be humans made in the image of God through prose and performance.
Our goal is to use theatre as a vehicle for God’s glory and as a medium to explore the fine arts in an engaging and intellectual way. Our students will study to become familiar in drama as literature, theatre as art, and performance as skill.
Being a member of the drama department helps shape students in way few other activities can. Students can expect to:
- Gain confidence: through learning various skills and performing in front of live audiences
- Gain in interpersonal skills: through working as a team to create a live production on a deadline
- Gain an appreciation and understanding of the fine arts: through studying great plays and practicing performing them
- Gain practical skills: how to make costumes, build sets, and other practical skills needed to for performances