Pre-K After-School Care Program
We are very excited to welcome your Pre-K students to our After-School Care Program this year. Holly Ellison and Paige Sifford are co-leading the program. Holly and Paige have developed an exciting program for your students which will allow you to feel at peace about your students until they can be picked up.
Pre-K children will be taken directly to the After-School Care Program at 3:15pm if not picked up in the car rider line. The After-School Care Program hours are from 3:15pm to 5:45pm on regular school days. Remember all children must be signed out with a legible signature. Failure to sign children out will lead to additional charges. Additional charges will also apply if student is picked up later than 6:00pm. NO student may be picked up by anyone who is not on the child’s emergency list form unless otherwise noted through the school office. Students may bring snacks, but be advised that these snacks may not contain nuts. Communications for the After-School Care Program will be sent through FACTS (RenWeb) and email. If you have any questions please contact our Director of the Early Learning Center, Cathy Riesen or Debbie Woodward.
Weekly Fee Schedule for After-School Program
1 – 2 days a week | $50 per child |
3 – 4 days a week | $80 per child |
5 days a week | $100 per child |
K-5th Program @ Knoxville Christian School
Our Kindergarten through 5th grade After-School program takes places on the campus of Knoxville Christian School and is provided by Knoxville Christian School. Contact Debbie Woodward, elementary secretary ( for questions and signup. It is the same fees as the PK3 and PK4 After-School Care Program. Hours are 3:15pm to 5:45pm each day that KCS has a full day on campus.
Weekly Fee Schedule for After-School Program
1 – 2 days a week | $50 per child |
3 – 4 days a week | $80 per child |
5 days a week | $100 per child |