Weekly Newsletter – Knightly News
Each Friday afternoon, the weekly school newsletter, Knightly News, is emailed out to all families. This is a good resource to keep informed of all things involving Knoxville Christian School.
Social Media
Connect with Knoxville Christian School through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to find current information, celebrate the many accomplishments of our students, and build a sense of community through daily interactions.
Parent Contact Information
Throughout the school year KCS will need to reach parents regarding extracurricular activities, enrollment deadlines, and many other important topics. Therefore, it is vital that we have current contact information from all of our families.
Please login to FACTS (RenWeb) if you need to update your contact information. If you have any questions, please contact Sheila Parham at sparham@kcsknights.org or call the school at (865) 966-7060.