If you look at too many school websites, they all start to look the same. Most websites list their school’s accomplishments, upcoming events and beautiful pictures of their campus. However, it’s difficult for a website to truly do justice to what a school can provide your family. That’s why at Knoxville Christian School, we have an all-access policy – where you can come see firsthand what makes our school different.
Come see why our entire senior class is consistently accepted to colleges and universities around the country.
Come and see all the different events and extra-curricular activities our students participate in – from fine arts and competitive middle school and high school athletics, to numerous club and service organizations.
Come and see what makes this Knoxville Christian School family such a unique community and how your child will be individually cared for by a Christ-driven, professional faculty and staff. I want to personally invite you to come and see what makes Knoxville Christian School different. Call or email me to schedule a personal tour of our campus.
Campus and Classroom Visits
Campus visits are scheduled through the admissions office. Prospective families receive a campus tour and an individual meeting with a member of the admissions committee. Students may observe (shadow) classes on a regular school day. Visits are arranged through the admissions office in consultation with the appropriate principal.